Located in Cullman County, Alabama
Established in 1999 and Still Rocking!


Ready to jump out of a perfectly good airplane? A Tandem Skydive is our recommended method for your first jump.


Video Packages

Make the memory last! We offer professional in-air video and photography services.



Want to learn how to skydive solo? Earn your license with our Integrated Student Program.



Turbine aircraft, swoop comps, big-way organizing, on-site lodging and restaurant... we are Alabama's premier DZ for Sport Jumpers.


First Jump? Don't worry, leave the fly to us!

Video Packages

In-flight video and photography


Let us teach you how to skydive solo


The best DZ in the region for Sport Jumpers


Competitive Pricing!

Call or follow us on social media for our latest promotions!


Tandem Price: 
Tandem Skydiving$279
Discounts: (cannot combine discounts) 
Groups of 5-9$10 off
Groups of 10-19$20 off
Groups of 20 or moreCall for Pricing
Video Packages:
Personal Video Package (Camera on your instructor’s wrist)$149
Professional Video Package (Camera on a 3rd Party Videographer)$179
Deluxe Video Package (Both Camera angels to create epic video!)$249
AFF Training:
AFF Cat A-C (3 Jumps with 2 instructors)$279 each
AFF Cat D1-E1 (4 Jumps with 1 instructor)$229 each
Solo AFF Bundle  Saves $279$1599
A- License Bundle (Includes goggle logbook bundle) Saves $705$2799
Student Jumpers: (non-licensed but off AFF)
Coached Jumps (without gear rental)$76
Experienced Jumpers:
Experienced Jumper Altitude Ticket$33
Gear Rental (per jump)$30
Gear Rental (all day)$100
Block of 50 Jumps  Saves $100$1550
Block of 100 Jumps Saves $300$3000

We are excited to help you remember your skydiving experience in the form of a video and/or pictures! All packages are on a per-person basis and can be added on the day of the jump itself.

The photos and videos will be emailed to you!

 Tandem Prices include everything needed on the jump: equipment, ride in the airplane, instructional costs, etc. Weekend schedules often fill up fast, so we recommend calling for reservations with your $50 deposit (good towards your jump) as soon as your plans are firm.

Walk-ins are welcome, but reservations are given priority. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Monday walk-ins please call ahead of time to be sure we have staff and are jumping that day!

Weight Fees:
200-220 lbs: $20 extra

221-230 lbs: $30 extra

231-240 lbs: $40 extra

241-250 lbs: $50 extra

251-260 lbs: $60 extra

261-270 lbs: $70 extra

271-280 lbs: $80 extra

*Any tandem student weighing 250 lbs or more may need to send a front and side view picture to determine if the student will fit safely into a harness.*